The Analytics
What is
Analytics is the art of extracting meaningful knowledge from complex data sets. Modern technology allows for unprecedented levels of detail in the information we can retrieve from our processes, our machines, and our systems. Unfortunately, this valuable stream can easily turn into a firehose, which overwhelms our ability to make any sense from it. Analytics tools solve that problem by filtering, correlating and presenting data to create reports and dashboards that give us the information we need to make the right decisions.
The first step is to collect all the data and bring it together. Anything that could be useful, from sales records to financial data to the maintenance status of machines on your production line and the number of hours employees are spending at their workstations, must be modelled, collected, and added to the data warehouse.

Then, analysis tools must be designed to process this data, searching for information relevant to individual KPIs, investor expectations, strategic goals and regulatory requirements. These tools filter and sort the data to extract the required information and present it.
Finally, the information needs to be sent to the decision makers and stake holders. Regular reports can be generated, giving the big picture and historical context, to those who need to know. And for critical or time-sensitive information, that can not wait for a report, dashboards are set up. Each dashboard, customised for the needs of its user, contains dials, graphs and warning lights to keep you appraised of the real time status of the areas you are responsible for.
BI Dashboards and Reporting
> Staying informed, getting the information you need
Data Science and Analytics
> Extracting actionable knowledge from all your data streams
BCX is your ANALYTICS partner
BCX is Africa’s leading ICT provider. BCX has the expertise and the capacity to help manage your business intelligence needs. BCX is one of the most trusted brands in Africa for IT services, and we have supported enterprises in government and industry:
- Mining
- Finance
- Retail
- Manufacturing
- National Government
- Provincial Government
- Local Government

BCX can leverage its industry experience and world-class data centres to provide the extensive range of data warehousing and reporting offerings that you need. We understand business, and we know how to provide business intelligence for your enterprise.